Optimal laser treatment for sun damage removal

Brown and red spots on the skin may not only be annoying. When the skin shows signs of discoloration, you can look a lot older than you and prevent you from having a uniform skin tone. The best sun damage lasers, including brown spots and age spots:
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL laser machine): Also known as glossy, IPL (Strong Pulsed Light) treatment is used to treat brown and red spots and rinse the skin. Usually, a series of 3-5 treatments separated by about one month is the key to getting the best results. After treatment with IPL, the red spots on the skin may turn red for about 2 to 5 days after treatment and then disappear. Brown spots on the skin usually look like a week (similar to coffee grind), after which they fall off, revealing unstained skin below. Many patients came to our IPL conference in the fall after the summer sun had destroyed the skin. Many patients require IPL to eliminate sun damage and brown spots on their hands.
Q Switch ND YAG laser: The immediate effect of the Q Switch Nd YAG laser after sun damage treatment will be softer, brighter skin with a more even texture. The skin will continue to regenerate and improve within 3-6 months of treatment.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): Use IPL solutions to more aggressively treat irregular pigmentation or brown spots on the skin.
Even if you are proud of wearing sunscreen every day, your skin may still be exposed to the sun. One of the most common skin reactions to the sun is the formation of sunspots. The appearance of sunspots can seriously damage the perfect skin tone.

Sunspots your age
Over the years, when the sun shines too much and causes sun spots and age spots to appear, they can really age the face. Those unattractive brown spots may increase your appearance for many years and distract your signature features. When young, freckles may be cute, but the brown spots of men and women over the age of 30 can make you look older. Sunspots can also appear on the hands, chest, and back. In fact, the hand is one of the first areas to show signs of aging.
How to determine the best laser treatment for you
Choosing the right treatment to treat your brown spots depends on understanding our exact location and color type for the treatment target. For example, sunspots are usually caused by excess melanin or pigment at the junction of the first and second layers of the skin (the epidermis and the dermis), and having this understanding will allow us to choose the right device that will be targeted. Appropriate pigments are effective at treating spots at appropriate skin levels. Other methods of treating sun damage include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and dermatological providers' prescription topical whitening products. It is vital that dermatologists who understand the skin are important. All laser treatments are very targeted, so you must accurately locate the skin you need to pay attention to, making treatment effective and safe.



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