The Laser tattoo removal Skin type and Typical side effects

Nearly 30% of people in the U.S. have at least one tattoo. Almost half of all millennials have one. But not all of them are happy about their decision. As many as 25% of those with a tattoo say they regret getting it.
If you’re in that 25%, there is good news. Laser tattoo removal equipment techniques can get rid of your unwanted tattoo with minimal side effects.

Skin type and Laser tattoo removal

Skin type is important because deeper skin (type IV or higher) may be more prone to pigmentation or keloids.
These patients will want to begin assessments at low energy (energy) levels to observe the skin's response to treatment.
With a few exceptions, pigmentation is a short-term side effect and all pigmentation returns within a few months and may require delaying future treatments to allow for these re-colorings.
Type I: Always burned; never tanned
Type II: Easy burns, minimal fading
Type III: moderate burn; gradually becomes light brown
The fourth category: minimal burn; always well adapted to brown
V type: very little burning; a lot of dark brown
Type VI: never burns; dark

Typical side effects of laser tattoo removal

Redness: The body's immune response involves blood and its components reaching stimulation, softness, swelling, and bruising.
Blistering: May be the most important side effect; it can increase blisters and cover the entire area of ​​the tattoo; part of the normal healing process. These blisters are only the expansion of the outermost skin and do not cause scars. They can be filled with fluids that can remove the color of the ink. It is helpful for healing and tattoo removal.
Scarring: What may happen is that there is any bleeding or blistering encountered. These scars should remain on the skin as long as possible because they draw ink from the tattoo.
Hypopigmentation: Decreased skin color due to the destruction of melanin; this is a temporary condition that can be resolved within weeks or months when the melanin is regenerated and the skin color is restored; the skin is V-type and VI-type (especially Is African-American
Hyperpigmentation: Melanin is overproduced because the system overreacts to the absorption of melanin; it is rare but possible in skin types IV and V .



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