The Factors contributing For laser tattoo removal

There are many factors that determine how many treatments need to be performed and the degree of success that may be experienced. Tattoo age, ink density, color, and even the location of the tattoo on the body all play an important role in removing completely how many treatments need to be performed. However, the factor that tattoo removal is rarely recognized is the effect of the client's immune response. The normal tattoo removal process is fragmentation, followed by phagocytosis and then excreted through the lymphatic vessels. Therefore, this is a natural stimulus caused by the actual laser treatment of the inflammation and the host immune response, which ultimately leads to the removal of the tattoo ink; therefore, the result of the change is enormous.

Pain management during treatment

Laser tattoo removal equipment is very uncomfortable - many patients say it is worse than getting a tattoo. This pain is often described as similar to hot oil on the skin or "snapping" with elastic bands. Depending on the patient's pain threshold, and although some patients may completely abandon anesthesia, most patients will require some form of local anesthesia. Pretreatment may include the use of anaesthetic cream at blocking 45 to 90 minutes or cooling with ice or cold air before laser treatment. A better method is complete anesthesia, which can be administered topically by injection of 1% to 2% lidocaine and epinephrine.
MJ Murphy describes a simple new technology (released in March 2014) that helps reduce the pain felt by patients. He uses a standard microscope slide to press tattooed skin and emit laser light through the glass. Results from 31 volunteers showed a significant reduction in pain of up to 50% with a decrease in spasms and spotting. This technique represents the simplest and most effective method of using non-invasive surgery to reduce pain.

Post-processing considerations

Mildly elevated white discoloration was observed immediately after laser treatment with or without spotting. This white variation is believed to be the result of the rapid formation of heat in the vapor or gas, resulting in the formation of dermal and epidermal vacuoles. Pinpoint hemorrhage represents a vascular injury caused by a photoacoustic wave generated by the interaction of a YAG Laser tattoo removal equipment with a tattoo pigment. The smallest edema and erythema of adjacent normal skin usually subside within 24 hours. Afterwards, crust appeared on the entire tattoo and it fell off about two weeks after treatment. As mentioned above, there may be some tattoo pigments in this earth's crust. Post-operative wound care consists of simple wound care and non-occlusive dressings. Since the application of the laser is sterile, no local antibiotics are needed. In addition, topical antibiotic ointment may cause allergic reactions and should be avoided. In the next eight weeks, the fading of the tattoo will be noticed. Based on the observed clinical response, the re-treatment energy level can be adjusted.



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