How much does IPL skin rejuvenation cost?

How much does IPL photorejuvenation cost?

Depending on where you live and your doctor, a single full-face treatment costs between $300 and $500. So a series of 3-5 treatments is usually between $1,000 and $2,500. Treatments for the face, neck and chest range from $800 to $1,000, for a total of $4,000 to $5,000. The treatment hand is usually about $250 per treatment.
Suspect the low-cost "special price". They are usually low cost, for a reason. Many ipl skin rejuvenation machine sold to beauty salons and spas have lower power than IPLs sold to doctors' offices. Treatment appears to be less costly, but not identical, in the use of the laser or the expertise of the person using the laser.
IPL can cause severe burns. It is very prudent to have a spa without a doctor on site and a small or informal medical training where the laser is operated by “technicians”, and it is better not to supervise. Remember that "technicians" are usually terms used without medical training.

Who should treat?

Physician, PA-C (Certified Physician Assistant), ARNPs, RNs, or MAs. In some states, licensed beauticians can operate some lasers. Everyone should have experience in laser therapy

What can I get from photorejuvenation treatment?

After your first ipl hair removal machine treatment, you can expect to see some redness, dark brown spots, and slight swelling. These symptoms will be resolved within a few hours to a week. If necessary, apply makeup immediately. After treatment, your skin will feel smoother and have a more even tone. After each treatment, overall redness, flushing, age spots, and fine lines gradually decreased.



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